Congratulations! Master Gardener of the year in Benton county goes to Benton
County Online Plant Sale Tech Team (clockwise: Lisa Borgerson,
Leslie Hauser, Jill Farrow, Rich Taylor).
  • Program updates: Most activities can resume, with a bit of planning. Get the latest information. 
  • Shout outs
  • Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up.
    • In-person plant clinic is back! Solo and paired shifts, inside and out.
  • Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with “$”)
  • 9/9-9/17/2021, ($): International Master Gardener Conference 2021.
    • Anytime: Elevated MGV courses. Grow skills for successful volunteering in 2021 and beyond.
      • Learn the ECCO database/diagnostic tool for solving gardeners problems.
  • BCMGA updates
    • Board meeting information is now found in the President’s mailings.
    • Tour: County Line Flowers. Visit Pami Monnette’s new flower Farm near Harrisburg. Learn more HERE.
  • Extension updates.
    • OSU Extension Master Gardener photography contest is now open! Join in a photo contest to best capture the people, places and about the Master Gardener program. Current Master Gardener volunteers are invited to submit their very best photos between now and September 30th. There will be prizes! Read about the contest, get excited, and learn how to join us HERE.
    • Popular this week: Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardening in the Pacific Northwest. Includes a list of suitable plants, along with planting dates and recommended varieties.
  • Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
    • Oregon Food Bank Ambassadors. This is an opportunity to help support local leadership and community development with an emphasis on strengthening our local food systems. Individuals from the following communities are encouraged to apply: Refugee and Immigrant communities, Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming communities, Single mothers and caregivers. Learn more: English – Español. Depending on the project this could be eligible for MGV volunteer service – check with Elizabeth Records for details.

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