‘A little work’ upstairs

By the fall of COVID time, and loving the living room/dining room transformation, I really wanted to finish our last space to remodel. The upstairs of our home contains two bedrooms that are accessed on either side of the stairs. There’s an attic storage space access at the top of the stairs, as well.

When we first got the place, there was a chimney running through one of the bedrooms. Check out the Feb. 10, 2010 post for that story, and some early pictures of that space. In reality, we have been chipping away at improving these two bedrooms since we moved in. At one point I had used drywall mud and tape to clean up the plywood wall seams in this space, and it worked well for probably eight years. In the other bedroom, after doing the taping fix, I sprayed texture on the walls before painting. With that 20/20 hindsight the texture was the way to go – it has kept the tape from falling, and that room looked good enough to skip the addition of drywall.

Okay, so what did we do this round: Well, drywall, obviously, in one of the bedrooms and the stairwell. Carpet all the way across. Barn doors for both rooms. New doors for the attic access. Paint and some decor. Ahh – it’s the bedroom that I’ve been dreaming of.

Stairwell – midway through. No carpet yet, or hand rail, or door to the attic, or new light fixture.

So – it’s all done! So long and thanks for all the fish!

Oh, wait a minute – what about the garage…

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