Category: Remote Learning

  • Practical Solutions for Remote Learning Issues

    Two months into higher education’s sudden transition to remote teaching, the challenges of this modality are evident to students and faculty alike. Even as we encourage and support students to successful completion of Spring term, we look ahead to Summer Session and Fall term teaching contingencies. To assist faculty as we move forward, the Center…

  • Encouraging and Supporting Students to Finish Spring Term

    by Marjorie Coffey, Assistant Director, OSU Academic Success Center All Academic Success Center (ASC) programs and services have been available remotely in spring. Through our program interactions and through OSU’s recent Remote Learning Experience Survey—completed by over 2900 undergraduate students—we’ve learned a lot about student experiences this term. I’d like to share some of those…

  • Remote Teaching = Blended Learning: Part 2

    At the outset of Oregon State’s Spring term in late March, the first post in this series suggested considering this sudden shift to remote teaching as an extension of the widely used, evidence-based blended learning modality. Now that we’ve passed the halfway point of the term and faculty are thinking ahead to Summer Session remote…

  • Pandemic Teaching Is Challenging and Difficult But Still Merits Reflection

    I am not the same teacher I was six weeks ago. Oh, I still care very much about my students. It is still very important to me that they are learning, that I help bring the content to life and make the material engaging and applicable. I want them to feel connected to me, their…

  • Getting Close While Teaching Remotely: Instructor Presence

    I keep hearing the phrase physical distancing, social closeness touted as an alternative to the typical social distancing. I’ve definitely taken that to heart in my personal life, scheduling virtual hang outs and using an array of technology to keep me connected to friends and family. Despite this awareness of the importance of social closeness…

  • Pandemic Pedagogy: Will Emergency Remote Teaching Improve Education?

    In a recent New York Times piece, David Deming  addressed the seismic changes to higher education brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. While aiming to allay fears of both face to face teachers who may see their jobs threatened by online instruction, and learners who may see this as the future of education, there is…

  • Be Seen. Be Heard. Teach Effectively.

    An essential life skill in the month-old era of Remote Teaching (Zoomocene Epoch) is to effectively deliver information via Zoom. The quality and quantity of education in colleges and universities today is deeply dependent of the efficacy of instructors communicating through Zoom and similar video conferencing platforms. This is true whether the student is viewing…

  • Oregon State University Online Education Tips for Student-Centered Remote Teaching

    As we endeavor to provide remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, while it is important that we address the immediate needs in sharing course content with students, delivering lectures, and providing access to course materials, it is also critical that we create an environment that encourages and supports student engagement to ensure deep understanding of…