Social Justice Tour of Corvallis III


For the third time, the OMA once again collaborated with the class Ethnic Studies 553: Ethnohistory Methodology taught by Professor Natchee Barnd. The course’s six students came to the OMA, and took a trip to the archives at the Benton County Historical Society, to conduct research regarding the histories of the OSU and Corvallis area’s traditionally marginalized groups. The class then wrote a total of 12 stories and complied them into a walking tour guidebook. This year, the OMA attended the tour given by the class – see below for information about the stories and photos from the tour! And, be sure to check out the blog posts regarding the 2014 Tour and the 2016 Tour.

The class consisted of six students who each researched and wrote about a different Corvallis area story. The students used a combination of archival sources and creative writing to create 12 beautiful pieces of historical fiction.

























The tour included 5 stops with students sharing stories at each one:

sjt3-backcoverAttending the tour was an incredible experience – see the pics below (note: not all the stories are represented via the photos):

Welcome by Professor Natchee Barnd

Welcome by Professor Natchee Barnd

A student created replica of a protest sign as part of the story "Wrestling with Apartheid"

A student created replica of a protest sign as part of the story “Wrestling with Apartheid”

A wall behind the Corvallis Beekman Place Antique Mall as part of the "Graffiti and Public Space" story

A wall behind the Corvallis Beekman Place Antique Mall as part of the “Graffiti and Public Space” story

A story about the "voice" of the Willamette River

A story about the “voice” of the Willamette River

The story "Hoops and Battles: Oregon Agricultural College vs. Chemawa basketball"

The story “Hoops and Battles: Oregon Agricultural College vs. Chemawa basketball”

The Victoria (Wishikin) Wacheno Howard story

The Victoria (Wishikin) Wacheno Howard story

"Aliens" - extra terrestrials and immigrants

“Aliens” – extra terrestrials and immigrants

The current struggle of the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center

The current struggle of the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center

"Welcome to OSU"

“Welcome to OSU”

The Social Justice Tour of Corvallis #3 participants walking back into campus at the conclusion of the tour

The Social Justice Tour of Corvallis #3 participants walking back into campus at the conclusion of the tour

The OMA looks forward to future collaborations with Professor Barnd and his students!

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