
Week 10 – Most Important Thing You’ve Learned

Throughout the term, I have learned a lot about employee recruitment and selection. Although it’s a shame with the current situation, I have to take it online, but I was still able to learn the importance of recruitment. I think one of the most interesting topics that I learn from this class was from week 4. I was able to learn about recruitment goals and the various methods of recruitment. I think that this topic is important especially for a company because they must know how to differentiate between getting high quantity or high quality. I also learned about targeted recruitment which is very important since it can combat discrimination in the workplace.

I was already aware of some of the recruitment methods such as media advertisements, internet methods, and employment agencies. The one I am most familiar with is the campus recruiters because I have attended some career fairs that are hosted by the college of business. There are also some methods that are new to me such as realistic job previews and the situation wanted ads. It is important to know all the methods because using it all will be expensive and therefore only some methods will be used. A company should know which methods works best to find the highest quality of applicants. An example could be if a company wants to hire an employee that can quickly fit with their new job, an employee referral could be the best method for it.

A company must also be able to evaluate how effective their strategy are when doing recruitment. This also allows a company to gather information on the diversity of each recruitment source. This will benefit the company so they would know how to strategize their recruitment plan to reduce discrimination and avoid breaking any laws.

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