• The most important thing I learned

    The most important thing that I learned in Management 448/548 is that there is significant benefit to be had by focusing hiring efforts in areas other than the actual hiring and interviewing process. It also makes complete sense.  I found the modules on Job Analysis and Performance Criteria most specifically rewarding, because I am a…

  • Self Reflection

    Self Reflection: What am I good at?  I am trained and board certified in large animal surgery. I am good at performing many different surgeries, and management of cases in the post-operative period. I am good at remaining calm in stressful situations, being efficient and multi-tasking, and training students and new interns/residents in how to…

  • IPIP Results

    The results of my IPIP test are: Extraversion: Low; I am introverted, reserved, and quiet with socializing restricted to a few close friends. Agreeableness: Average; I have some concern with others needs but generally unwilling to sacrifice for others.  Conscientiousness: High; I set clear goals and pursue them with determination. I am hard working and…

  • Typical vs. Maximal Performance

    If I were a business owner and had to choose between Avery or Jaime, I would prefer to hire Jaime. Since this is an essential position, having a reliable employee who consistently produces the same quality results would be preferred over someone who occasionally does an excellent job but most of the time is “a…

  • Recruitment Ad

    My brand would be that I am a well qualified, efficient, polite, and hardworking individual. I have experience working in academia for many years and was involved in teaching/training of students, interns, and residents. My strengths include my qualifications, my calm demeanor and personality, my ability to multi-task, my leadership qualities, and capability of motivating…

  • Job Descriptions

    As a veterinarian, the job descriptions do not vary that much, and I am not actually sure of the last time that I even saw a job description for any veterinarian job that I have had since graduation! However, I have been involved in hiring decisions where there is a Job Description that has not…

  • Discrimation Claim!

    Claims of discrimination to the degree of a public lawsuit could absolutely change the way I felt about my favorite company depending on the details of the case. As I am not a person who likes to jump to quick judgement, I would probably investigate further in order to understand the circumstances and scenario/s to…

  • Recruitment and Selection

    Employee recruitment and hiring is something that is performed in every single industry across the globe. Its importance may be overlooked in certain situations. Organizations might decide to allocate more funding towards marketing or product design instead of employee recruitment for multiple reasons. The organization might require little staffing to sell its product, and therefore…

  • Job Application Experiences!

    The job application and hiring process is so essential for both applicant as well as the company hiring.  I applied and interviewed for my current position as an associate veterinarian in the summer of 2020. The application and interview process were initially straightforward. I applied through an online application tool, and was contacted by a…