Winter Weather Health Tips

With this winter weather its so important to stay as healthy as possible. Last year, I was lucky enough to have strep throat twice… yes, twice! The doctors had never seen someone get it two different times within a two month period. Eating healthy, driknking lots of water, working out, and keeping up with vitamins has proven to help me survive. My other two secrets is drinking apple cider vinegar and wearing as many layers possible.

Once the cold weather hits and the wind kicks up, it’s important to bundle up to keep your body warm. My younger cousin asked me how polar bears stay warm in the winter considering they cannot use layers to warm themselves up. Surprisingly, although I knew the answer was fur and blubber, I was curious about any extra information, so I did some research on what I could find. explains

“Their heat insulation is in several layers. Under their skin, there is a 4-inch (21.5 cm) layer of fat.  Next to the skin is a dense layer of woolly fur that also keeps heat in.  The fur you see is a thick layer of long, colorless guard hairs that shed water quickly after a swim. They are stiff and transparent and hollow. In the arctic sunlight, the hairs act like mirrors and reflect white light, which acts as camouflage against the snow so the bears are not seen by their prey.  Polar bear skin is actually black, so that it can absorb the invisible warm infrared rays of the sun and the bear’s own body heat, both of which are reflected back by the guard hairs.”

It was ab out this time I read that interesting fact that my dad chimed in exclaiming

“How do you stop a bear from charging?

Take away its credit cards.”

Total dad joke but strangely enough bear puns are funnier than you think! And laughing is such another great remedy to keep you healthy. What do I mean? Well, wellness can also be a mental state. During the foggy and gray days, some people experience seasonal depression which can seriously affect your overall health. says

“Browse through your local bookstore or library’s selection of joke books and add a few jokes to your list that you can share with friends.”

Staying positive and being as effective as you can to stay warm and take care of your immune system will add so much strength to battling against the winter colds. It’s important to remember that your health also includes your mind and soul because if you’re unhappy, you aren’t giving your body the right amount of energy or motivation to accomplish the goals of your life. A Happy You is a Healthy You.

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