Category: Uncategorized

  • Home Stretch

    I think at one point in this blog I mentioned not to procrastinate? Well when you have a deadline breathing down your neck is the time where those chickens come to roost. Sometimes it happens that you didn’t get as far as you thought you would. In the real world as long as you communicate…

  • The job is easier than school

    Something to consider that no one tells you when you are trying to become a software engineer, the job is much easier than school. In that way there is light at the end of the tunnel. In school you are creating things from scratch and solving difficult problems. At work the initial part of the…

  • Monkey see, Monkey do

    Sometimes the best course of action when trying out a new piece of technology or language is just to copy what someone else did. Not line for line of course, that would violate academic policy, also you need to know what your software is doing and copying outright wouldn’t be a good course of action.…

  • Blockchain Architecture

    At this point in our senior project we have all researched the blockchain language solidity and have started to feel ready to start building things. One of the issues is that blockchain architecture is not your classic back end communicating with front end. You have a front end, and then you have heavy js scripting…

  • Fighting the plateau

    Has anyone ever finished a tutorial on a new language or technology, then when someone asks you to code something using that new tech you just learned you find yourself staring at a blinking cursor for an hour? Well, we’ve all been there. The good and bad thing about tutorials: good because you get to…

  • Getting started

    The first and most important task when learning a language for me is to get started on a mini project to get my feet wet. This week I’ll be digging into courses on NFT’s, block chain, and crypto to begin learning how to create an NFT marketplace and solidity back end to help me on…

  • Creating an NFT Game

    My group partners and I will be creating an NFT (Non-Fungible-Token) game, where users can use crypto to purchase NFT’s and play with them to win more crypto and possibly sell their NFT’s on the marketplace at their current value. For all of us this is a brand new experience and we have little to…

  • Hello world!

    This blog will be detailing my journey from zero experience to becoming a software engineer. This blog will be primarily for those who are interested in becoming a software engineer. You may be able to learn something from my story and I will throw in as much advice as I can. As any good story…