
Another Day Another Closure

Looks Like We’re Back

Back to quarantine that is. With the rise in Covid-19 cases our state has shut back down for at least a couple more weeks. It’s been a wild ride figuring out the work cycle while working and going to school from home. It presents new challenges to the average person. When initially going into quarantine back in March I did not feel that it would make much impact on my daily life. In fact I enjoyed that I could work on things from home without worry.

At this point in the quarantine – and with it coming back in force – I have learned a lot. As in introvert it is convenient to have more time alone; however there is a lot that makes it difficult. A big factor is work life balance. I have struggled with this before quarantine with school as sometimes projects and assignments can take 60-70 hours a week or more by themselves. Add an extreme workload to always being home can make a person feel guilty for trying to take some time to themselves.

I also find myself sitting at my computer most of my waking hours during the week. Watching lectures takes up about 10 hours a week, but working on writing and coding assignments rapidly increases that time. When all of my socializing is not mandated to occur online – there goes the rest of my day. I feel fortunate that I have platforms that work well for me to interact with my friends and play video games – as I started playing them earlier this year.

This resurgence of quarantine has required me to set some personal goals to accomplish outside of sitting at my desk and school. I have been working to stay on top of my activity – getting outside and moving most days. I also have started to pack my apartment in anticipation of moving this spring. That will be yet another thing to keep me busy while I am trying to stay on top of school work! This school year may turn into one of my busiest even without all the trips I had planned to take!

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