Assistant professor, Orchard crops extension specialist

Nik Wiman

Nik Wiman, OSU Extension Orchard Crops specialist, updates growers on Brown Marmorated Stink Bug research in specialty crop at the 2016 OSU Blueberry Field Day at North Willamette Research and Extension Center Aurora, Oregon.

Nik’s focus is to develop and deliver research-based extension programs towards Oregon hazelnuts. Nik is an entomologist with experience in integrated pest management of orchard crops. Nik’s program includes research to manage pests of hazelnut, such as filbertworm and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, as well as broader issues such as cover crops and weed management in hazelnuts. These efforts are accomplished through cooperation with County extension agents, growers, the hazelnut commission, and crop consultants.  Before leading the lab, Nik worked as a statewide leader in the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Program. Nik has an PhD in entomology from Washington State University and MS and BS degrees in entomology from Montana State University.

Lab staff

Heather Andrews – Faculty Research Assistant


Heather assists the research program through managing projects at NWREC and at cooperating growers’ farms. She also supervises a crew of research assistants for summer research trials. Before joining the lab, Heather completed an MS in Entomology from Virginia Tech and a BS from Southern Oregon University.

Kody Transue – Bio Science Research Tech

Kody helps manage field and lab trials in cooperating orchards and at NWREC.



Graduate students

Claire Donahoo – PhD student

A native of Lincoln, NE, Claire received her BS in Fish & Wildlife Biology with a concentration in Conservation Biology from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She then received her MS in Entomology at Montana State University in Bozeman, where she studied mortality dynamics and life tables of the alfalfa leafcutting bee. Her PhD will focus on biological control by samurai wasps, Trissolcus japonicus, of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys. With degrees in fish & wildlife, entomology, and horticulture, Claire’s main interests are in ecology and conservation.

Erica Rudolph

Erica Rudolph is working on her Master’s degree focusing on biology of the Pacific flatheaded borer, Chrysobothris mali. She graduated with a Bachelors of Science in spring of 2019. She is also working with FMC developing automated filbertworm traps. In her free time, Erica enjoys collecting and curating insects, drawing and needlework.


Tatum Keyes is heading into her fourth year as an intern for the Orchard Crops Extension program. She is currently attending Portland Community College, and is interested in getting a degree in entomology. This year she will be mostly focused on working with samurai wasps, and she’s a pro at checking fruit and nut samples for BMSB damage. Tatum enjoys hiking, and playing with her ultra cute puppy, Toast, in her free time.

Lab Alumni

Nate Edmonds helped out quite a bit with plot maintenance, and captured a myriad of pictures that were incorporated into extension publications. Nate also helped out with his family’s hazelnut farm near Silverton. After completing his associates at Chemeketa Community College he enrolled at OSU to obtain a Bachelor’s of Science.

Anthony Mugica – MS student

Anthony’s work involved management of Pacific flatheaded borer, an insect, whose larval stage damages hazelnut trees.

Bryan Webber – MS student


A native of Rochester, IL, Bryan completed his Bachelors in Plant Science at University of Missouri-Columbia. While an undergrad, he held research positions that included working with an MU Black walnut breeder and an internship with USDA-ARS in Davis, CA. He has always loved working with trees and hopes to pursue a PhD or work with the nut industry.

David Lowenstein- Postdoctoral research associate


David is a consumer horticulture extension educator based out of Clinton Township, MI. While at OSU David’s primary responsibility was to manage the Brown Marmorated Stink Project. His research focused on the biology of samurai wasp, a parasitoid that attacks BMSB eggs. He investigated  samurai wasp’s establishment and movement in hazelnut and small fruit orchards and the potential for biological control. David came to OSU with a PhD in Ecology and Evolution from University of Illinois-Chicago , an MS in Entomology from UW-Madison, and a BA from CUNY-Lehman College.

David’s personal webpage

Rachele Nieri

Rachele’s main interest is to broaden knowledge about insects’ behavior. Before joining the Wiman lab, she specialized in the study of vibrational communication, a widely spread and overlooked kind of communication among insects. She decoded and manipulated leafhoppers’ intraspecific communication to develop an environmental friendly pest control method. Rachele’s research focuses on studying spotted-wing drosophila behavior to improve management strategies. Rachele has a PhD in Ethology and Ecology and MS and BS in biology from University of Florence (Italy).

Aaron Heinrich (2016-2018) provided technical support for hazelnut and cider apple research as a Faculty Research Assistant. He currently works as a research trial coordinator for Wilbur Ellis.


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