A “multimedia developer” at Ecampus typically creates three or four interactive web pages or animations each quarter. Here is a walkthrough of how one cool project was created which shows the variety of tools we often leverage.
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Monthly Archives: March 2018
Knowledge Sharing: magical hardware
I gave a talk for co-workers about the magic tools CDT developers use, how we use them, and where I think we’re heading. I tried to use this blog post as my notes, opening links in new browser tabs as if they were slides. Now I’m fleshing the sections out a little, so you can just read this post by itself (please feel free to swing by and ask me questions about any of this!). The idea is that it starts off pretty tame, but gets progressively … crazy scifi.
10 hardware topics in 60 minutes:
- basic gear
- audio
- video
- studio
- depth sensing webcams
- 360
- scanning
- nick H.
- spendy weird stuff
- too cool