Official Session Name: (11:30am)
Strategicplay® with LEGO® Serious Play®

Summary / Ecampus Takeaway:
We were given bags of LEGOs, and went through some exercises to show us how using your hands can help anyone with thinking and communication. (mostly bizarrely worthless to me. but led to a good quick chat with a neighbor, who suggested many cool projects/links)

Session was basically being a big advertisement for their wacky consultant service(ugh), but got good leads accidentally from neighbor.

Raw Notes:
Lego Session. …
These folks are hired to come into strategic thinking sessions and get the juices flowing. They claim you learn better when you use your hands.

Notes how when she asked us to build a tower, everyone interpreted the command differently. Some thought height, stability, symmetry, design. Point is everyone interprets rules differently.

Some people made story up about their tower. …
She talks about the innovation process. … Incubation step is where you may renovate. Given a chance to explain your Lego story to someone else, your subconscious tends to interject. Notes importance of hands on as a left and right brain activity.

Talks about the “flow zone” between fear apprehension. This is the mastery zone where learning takes place.[Flow comes up repeatedly throughout conference]

Scratch and kodu – platforms for enabling students to develop their own games. Recommended by a neighbor. (Leanna From kentucky.
(Tech berry picker)[?]

Earobics “game goo” – works on auditory language component to work on reading development. Recommends Ed web, a Learning games network [or did she maybe mean this?]. Lore[Lure?] of labyrinth is a game she loves from MIT . Works on algebraic. Mission us is American history game. Developing war game (for crown or colony)

(End. lunch time!)

Check Back Later For:
Edits to the text? photos.

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