Join us for the 8th Annual Nonprofit & Volunteer Fair! Meet representatives from over 50 local and national nonprofit and government organizations representing a wide variety of fields who are seeking OSU volunteers, interns, and employees. Network with people who share your interests and passions and learn more about the many opportunities available in the nonprofit and public service fields.
The Nonprofit & Volunteer Fair is sponsored by the Center for Civic Engagement and Career Services.

Where: OSU Memorial Union Ballroom

When: Wednesday, February 5th, 2014, 12pm to 3pm, 10am and 11am breakout session. Refreshments provided in the MU Ballroom.

10:00AM – 11:00AM: Pursuing a Nonprofit Career, MU Journey Room: Gain insight into the nonprofit industry. This session will include basics about nonprofit organizations and how to be best prepared for pursing a nonprofit career.

11:00AM – 12:00PM Marketing Your Service Experience, MU 206: Meet a panel of nonprofit professionals who will share tips and strategies on marketing your service and volunteer experience to potential employers and answer your questions about the nonprofit field. This panel will include representatives from six nonprofit agencies at entry level and senior level positions.

11:00AM – 12:00PM International Service, MU 208: Explore international nonprofit service and internships opportunities both during and after college.

12:00PM – 3:00PM Nonprofit & Volunteer Fair: Click here to see a list of the organizations who will be attending the fair!

For disability related accommodations, please call 541-737-3041 or email

Emily E. Bowling
Civic Engagement & Service Coordinator
Student Leadership & Involvement
Oregon State University
154 Snell Hall; Corvallis, Oregon 97331
p: 541.737.7673 | f: 541.737.7504


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