Friday, 01 August 2014
WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, Congress passed historic legislation that will give the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) critical tools to carry out their mission of providing veterans and their families with access to care and benefits. Student Veterans of America’s (SVA) President and CEO, D. Wayne Robinson, hailed the comprehensive measure’s passage as a step towards accountability within the VA.

“This week, Congress has made it clear that they are serious about providing for our nation’s veterans,” said Robinson. “Tuesday, the U.S. Senate confirmed Robert McDonald as the new Secretary of the VA, and today they hand him the keys to begin a reformation process that is long overdue.”

The broad measure includes language that would grant in-state tuition to veterans attending public institutions, extend the Post-9/11 GI Bill to dependents of service-members killed in action, and increase accountability in a VA overwhelmed by scandal, a move that aims to restore public trust in the department.

“We applaud the long-time efforts of Chairman Miller in the House and the push for a comprehensive measure from Chairman Sanders in the Senate,” said Robinson. “We look forward to continuing our work with both leaders and all of Congress, as well as Secretary McDonald to ensure that every facet of this measure is used to its fullest potential. This is a big step, but it’s only the first.”

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