

Over the last couple of weeks I have received phone calls, emails, and had conversations with individuals about the Bipartisan Budget Deal of 2013 passed by Congress earlier this month.  Several have commented to me that there is a provision within this bill that affects our Military and Veteran Community.  Others have questioned how this will affect their VA education benefits.


In the interest of informing the OSU Community and outside community members who support our Student Veterans, I have researched several websites looking for the language of the bill.  Please understand my reporting on this information does not constitute my office agreeing or disagreeing with any or all of the provision of the bill.  In addition, please be advised the bill has not been signed by President Obama.  Additionally, other bills are in process that could change the outcome of this bill.  In my research, I was not able to find a full text of the bill.  However, I was able to find this information.


According to each of the websites listed below the following language is in the bill.


–        American troops who have retired and are under the age of 62 would have cost-of-living(COLA) adjustments cut by 1% each year under the new deal.


In addition, according to the websites this cut is one of many intended to reduce the overall deficient by 23 Billion over the next 10 years.


Based upon this language many have asked me how this could affect their VA Education Benefits.  At this point, it appears there is not language that will change or stop VA education benefits.  However, if that changes I will be glad to report out on those changes as they are made public.


I hope this help answers some of the questions some of you may had surrounding the Bi-Partisan Budget Deal of 2013 and VA education benefits.


Thank you and have a great day.


Gus L. Bedwell

Veteran Resources Coordinator


The American Legion Website:



The Washington Times:



Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America:





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