Rounding the Home Stretch

This is my last quarter at OSU, and I am really looking forward to graduation. Don’t get me wrong, my experience in this program has been very positive overall and I’m enjoying both my classes this year, but I’m feeling a little burned out. Between 492 and creating a mobile app I’ve been diving head first into Dart and Flutter. In general, I really like learning new technologies and having coding heavy assignments, which these two classes are offering in abundance, but I’m not feeling as enthusiastic as usual. I’ve also been transitioning from my old job and getting everything in place to hand off all my responsibilities. That’s been a little stressful, but my last day in my old department is tomorrow and then on Monday I officially start my career as a software engineer. I am super excited about that!

All gripes aside, the Flutter framework is starting to click more and more, and it is gratifying to to see our project start to get off the ground. Starting a project is always the hardest part for me, so I think I will feel more excited and motivated the farther we get into it. I was having a really good time tonight working on some front-end code. I just need to get over that new language/framework hump where I feel like “man, I have idea what’s going or how to translate my ideas into functional code” and I am definitely getting there. Just gotta keep on truckin’.

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