The company that I work for currently has sites across many different countries. One country that I could potentially work in would be Germany. In terms of Hofstedeās cultural dimensions, this country differs from the US in multiple ways. The Germans have a high uncertainty avoidance score meaning they are much more risk adverse than we are in the US. As I have worked with some of our German employees, I see this to be accurate. Another cultural dimension difference is in communication. The Germans tend to be more formal and detail-oriented than we are in the US. Again, working with Germans many times, I have proof that this is actual. That is something that I appreciate about them. I believe in clear, concise, and detailed communication. Something that I would enjoy working in Germany instead of the US is that they often better encourage and support work life balance. They have shorter hours, ample vacation time, and a huge focus on employee well-being. Some factors I would consider before determining if I wanted to take the international opportunity is the pay scale and the retention rates. Due to the larger focus on work life balance and employee well-being, I would assume that the retention rate is much higher than that of US sites. Ultimately, the thing that would be the deciding factor for me is my salary. It would have to be great enough to provide my family with everything we need while we are there and enough to put money back to get ahead.