
Week 1 – Job Application Experience

The last job that I have applied to was on campus at the Student Experience Center for the Welcome Desk position. From the applicant perspective the description for the job was pretty straight forward. It had clear guidelines of what is expected from me, what documents I need to provide to the employer and how will the process look like. I did not really have a hard time gathering all the documents or understanding the job description.

The first chapter in the book mentioned, how important it is the who you hire because if you do not hire well you may be losing money and time, especially time with your family. From the applicant perspective, personally I would not like to lose time as well. This means that I would want to get hired in a company where I fit and where I can grow personally and career wise. Losing a year or few of my life at a company where I would be miserable would not reflect well on my future career growth or my personal well being.

Throughout the application process I was interested to work there the entire time. This job was appealing to me because I do like to work in customer service and I wanted to get more experience in that field. My impression later on though was that it seemed little bit chaotic. I did hear from them about a week after the application were due but after my interview it took about 2-3 weeks for them to get back to me even though I emailed them after my interview. The wait is little bit disappointing because I was not sure what was going on and if I should keep going to other interviews. I feel like this could drive some great applicants away.

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