oh boy. i saw the date today and i panicked a little. there’s around 3 weeks left before our vr project needs to be done, and i feel like we have a lot more than 3 weeks of work to do.
i know we’ll get it done, but it’s more a matter of how well done it will be by the time we turn it in. we want to live up to our vision as much as possible, and that seems hard when we have other responsibilities that take time away from this.
back to my main focus right now though. our game will have the user say phrases in spanish to various characters in the world in order to complete quests. i created the script for our game and sent it off to some translators a couple of weeks ago.
up to this point i had been writing the storyline code using english voice recognition, and it had been going well enough. but we just got back the translated script and i needed to start testing the phrases with spanish voice recognition.
i tried to keep the phrases as simple as possible while still fitting into the flow of an actual conversation that could occur, which was hard since we want this to be beginner-friendly. some of the translated phrases ended up being longer than i expected, but it turns out that’s not a problem. what is a problem is that voice recognition returns strings that have questionable punctuation compared to what the phrase should look like.
for example, when asking for a cookbook, you say “Necesito un libro de recetas.” but no matter how i say it into my microphone it always adds questions marks like i am asking that. “¿Necesito un libro de recetas?”
so when i am checking what the user says i am going to have to use the responses i get during testing as a comparison, rather than the correct way it would be written. strange, but it will work.