Mix and Match Commute Options 

Images shows a collage of signs for a bus stop, carpool and multiuse bike and pedestrian path.

Credit: Getty Images, Canva for Educators

The more tools in your transportation toolbox, the more options you have for getting around. Just ask Nick Deeds, Parking Coordinator with OSU Transportation Services. Nick knows firsthand the challenges of many commuters. He drives nearly an hour to work, has a limited budget for fuel and parking, and needs to go to many locations across campus.  

First, Nick shares a ride with friends who also work at OSU. They park in a B lot. Then they take the Beaver Bus to where they need to go. After rains are past for the year, Nick plans to bike from the parking lot. Because bike parking is everywhere across campus, this will make for an even more efficient trip. And it is a good way to zip out for lunch without moving his vehicle.  

Other benefits of mixing up your commute modes include fitting some exercise into your day, cutting pollution, or enjoying a relaxing outdoor break that is built into your daily routine. What are some other ways that campus community members commute with mixed modes?  

  • Catch a ride partway to work, then go by active transportation (like a walking, skateboard, scooter or bike.) 
  • Share a ride one way, and use transit for the other way. 
  • Bring your bike, scooter or skates on the bus. Then instead of transferring, roll the rest of the way to OSU. 

Check out the many transportation options for getting to and around campus.

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