Extra Credit Widget

To get the news feed into my blog I went to google news app and followed the instructions on how how to add new headlines and what sources I wanted the news to come from. I clicked on the RSS link that was on the bottom of the page and then a box popped up saying the news feed will be shared through my accounts and then I proceeded to copy the URL. At this point I was not sure if I was doing it correctly. I went to my blog and edited the widget and inserted the link I copied and hit save and it worked! But my widgets go on the left of my blog because of the theme I had chosen I hope that is alright.

I think having the news feed will be very helpful! It will be easy to access new articles that are posted about gender equality without me having to go out of my way to look up articles from many different websites. From glancing at a few articles one headline caught my eye which was talking about how corporate gender equality is slacking, which does not surprise me from what I have been researching for this weeks discussion about women education.


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