
M Songco Blog Post #3

Successes, Fails, Struggles, Why’s and How’s, Plans and Detours…

For this blog post, I’ve experienced multiple struggles and fails regarding character design for our group project. Since my responsibility is character design for Pac-Man Ghosts, it was difficult to create them. Although I have been working on them for weeks, it was difficult in utilizing Blender and their features properly. For instance, I had trouble in figuring out their colors and how to implement something that’s both scary and familiar to those who have played Pac-Man before. I figured out from a tutorial online how to make them transparent and it came out great. Then, I had to rig the characters that would allow them to create movements.

Creating the rigging wasn’t hard, but creating a collective set of movements were. I had trouble having the characters set within a positino and move them accordingly. After some videos on Youtube, I finally was able to create a ‘walk’ movement for our game. I felt accomplished after my products for all ghost’s individual design and movement and my teammates gave high praise for my design which I felt accomplished.

The only detours I had was either learning the basics of blender and it’s features and how to properly transfer the files into Unity, which I have not been able to do. When I compress my files to certain settings and transfer them, it doesn’t bring both the color of the ghosts, but also the animations. I couldn’t figure it out, even after watching videos online such as chaning the files to .fbx or .blender and chaning how I export the files to Unity. I still need to figure this out so I can move on and create the ghost alghorithms for their particular moveset. Regardless, even after this class ends I will be working on getting this figured out.

Feedback on this course

I particulary liked this first course of the senior project. I loved the pacing and feedback I received from our TA and Professor. I didn’t feel overwhelmed at all during this project and felt that they were understanding of our project’s scopes. Even though this project wasn’t my first choice, it helped me learn numerous applications that I like and would love to work on in the future such as Unity and Blender. I realized that I love character designs and rigging them to my liking is a great attribute for when I apply for internships I can try to get a position for this type of work.

Your career and/or job hunt

Although I have been applying for any type of computer science/cybersecurity internship, I haven’t gotten any luck. Right now I feel frustrated but also motivated to keep trying to get any opportunity I can get right now. In terms of job hunt, I’m still working at my job as an E/E aircraft mechanic in the Air National Guard right now, so I’m just looking for any internships that could help me gain experience in the long run

New technologies

I’ve learned Blender a lot through these past few weeks and honestly I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. After messing around with Blender, I feel accomplished when I created four stylistic Pac-Man Ghosts with their own features and movements. Even when the class ends and we have a break, I’ll continue to fine-tune our designs.

Life hacks – How to handle stress/teammates/classwork/being stuck/etc

Right now, what I like to do to relieve any type of stress is to stay physically active. I like to workout such as bodybuilding or weightlifting to help me relax and decompress for the day. It helps me feel accomplished for each day. For schoolwork such as this project, what helped me was watching numerous videos on Blender and Unity projects. It helped me learn that even if I’m a newbie at creating games, there’s other people like me who’s also learning and give great tips for when I’m stressed on a particular element of video game designs.