Small Farm School 2024 will be on Wednesday, September 11 at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City. Registration will open in early August.

What is Small Farm School?
Small Farm School is an annual, full-day event with hands-on workshops and classroom sessions. Both beginning and experienced small-scale farmers will find classes to fit their needs. Our classes cover topics from equipment to soil health, crop and livestock management, and more.
The most recent Small Farm School was on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City.
Small Farm School Partners
This event is hosted by OSU Extension, Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District, Clackamas Community College, Friends of Family Farmers, Black Food Sovereignty Coalition, Rogue Farm Corps, and USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency.
Who Attends Small Farm School?
Small Farm School is an all-day event for beginning AND experienced farmers and small acreage landowners. Field and classroom workshops will address small farm topics such as crop and livestock production, land access, funding options, and management for soil and water conservation. Course offerings change each year, so if you have attended in the past, join us again! There is always something new to learn.