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Staci L. Simonich
ALS 1141
Dr. Staci L. Simonich is a Professor in the Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology and Department of Chemistry. She currently also serves as the Associate Vice President for Research Operations and Integrity at OSU. Dr. Simonich obtained her Ph.D. in chemistry from Indiana University in 1995 and worked at Procter & Gamble until 2001. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including received the Roy F. Weston Environmental Chemistry Award, the NSF Career Award, OSU’s Impact Award for Scholarship, and OSU’s Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award. She has published in multiple journals including in Science, Nature, Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental Health Perspectives, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Simonich’s research group applies analytical chemistry to the field of environmental studies in order to increase our knowledge of which compounds are present in the environment, what reactions they undergo in the environment, and how their presence affects environmental and human health. If you are interested in joining the Simonich Lab, particularly if you are undergraduate students seeking research experience or honor thesis, please contact Jason Schindler.