Everywhere we go in Siena, students absorb and process what they are seeing and learning through their travel journals. Here we are at the Duomo square.Drawing the amazing Duomo…Drawing during one of PG’s (Piergiacomo Petrolli) incredibly illuminating walking tours of medieval Siena.In the Pinoteca Drawing the view of Siena from the Fortezza d’Medici. Siena reigned in Tuscany for 400 years, but (sadly) lost the war with Florence in 1559. Hence the d’Medici name…Views of the city, the countryside and the DuomoImages inside the DuomoCapturing scenes of everyday Italian life…..… and capturing images to remember from travels around Italy and beyond.Early morning journaling at the Piazza Salinbeni and observing the city of Siena as it comes to life.