Using Seattle Public Schools (SPS) as a model, this Alliance for Excellent Education report shows how high-quality curriculum and innovative school designs that support the use of students’ home languages, as well as English, produce better outcomes for English language learners (ELLs). The report also shows how SPS develops educators who value diversity and emphasize language development to further a districtwide focus on international education and global competency, and it lays out a set of policy recommendations to aid school districts in creating effective school designs.


Intercultural Student Services presents

A new film by Shakti Butler

Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity

An event with Shakti Butler, Ph.D.Film Screening and Community Conversation

Thursday, October 10, 2013 | 7:00 – 9:00 pm
LaSells Stewart Center, Construction and Engineering Hall
Free & Open to the Public

Join the event on Facebook: Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity

Cracking the Codes asks America to talk about the causes and consequences of systemic inequity. The film features moving stories from 23 racial justice leaders. Clips of the film will be braided with dialogue facilitated by Shakti Butler, PhD. More information about the film is available at

Accommodations for disabilities may be made by calling 541-737-7298, preferably one week in advance.

Co-sponsored with Memorial Union Inclusive Community Initiative, Counseling & Psychological Services, School of Public Policy, School of Language, Culture & Society, Ethnic Studies, Queer Studies, and University Housing & Dining Services.

Event contact:

Charlene Martinez
Project Social Justice, Program Director
Intercultural Student Services, Oregon State University
B066 Kerr Administration Building

american winter

Community Services Consortium (CSC) invites you to a showing of the riveting HBO documentary American Winter (click to view film trailer) which was filmed in Oregon and follows several local families through devastating economic situations.

American Winter  is a powerful story of resilience and the human condition.  The families in the film are not unlike the families that walk through CSC’s doors every day – they are our friends and our neighbors.  They work hard, they struggle and they fight for their survival.

American Winter:  6pm, Oct. 3rd OSU LaSells Stewart Center. 

Free Parking at Reser stadium (across the street).

Panel discussion lead by CSC Executive Director Martha Lyon, Corvallis Mayor Julie Manning, and OSU Sociology Professor Mark Edwards.

The showing is free, but donations are appreciated.

More information is available at