Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration events are continuing all week. Here are a couple highlights:

The full schedule is online at  The Facebook page is

If you haven’t seen the Gazette-Times article about Monday’s Peace Breakfast, it’s a worthy read.  There’s even a slide show and video clip.  The Life@OSU page about this event fills in some of the details about award winners.  We also had a good turn out of volunteers from the College of Education at our service project yesterday – garden work at College Hill School in Corvallis.

Our panel discussion event, in partnership with OSU’s Pride Center, is quickly approaching…

The Classroom Closet: A Pride Panel on Queerness and Education
Tuesday, January 21 at 5:00 PM–6:30 PM, Furman Hall 4th Floor Atrium
Come listen to a panel of LGBTQ students, teachers, and faculty discuss their experiences in the K-12 educational system.

This is part of our professional development efforts, and we hope everyone leaves with some new insights and ideas for continued professional development—as educators working with LGBTQ students, parents, and colleagues and/or as LGBTQ individuals interested in working in schools.

Please bring a friend and help spread the word.  Here is the event poster:  CLASSROOM CLOSET poster.  We’re also listed as a Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration event:

John Hunter, master teacher and creator of the World Peace Game, will be lecturing at Oregon State University on Thursday, January 23 at 7 PM in Milam Auditorium.  This is an Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Memorial Peace Lecture, which is free to the public.  Please invite your friends.  More information is here, on the event flyer.

If you are not aware of John Hunter’s work, you may want to also watch his TED Talk:

Teaching Tolerance posted an anonymous blog entry from a gay elementary school teacher:  The Classroom Closet .  He is responding to a district’s screening of the Teaching Tolerance movie Bullied.  (We do have a copy in the College of Education if you want to see it.)  The blog entry is a moving read with several personal stories in the comments from readers.  I highly recommend taking a look at this and following some of the “You might also like” links on their side menu, especially in light of our upcoming panel discussion event.

Do you have your calendars marked yet?  We’ll be posting more information soon, but the date is now set:  Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 5 PM on the 4th floor of Furman Hall.  We are hosting this panel discussion in partnership with OSU’s Pride Center.  Our goal is to discuss gender and sexual identity issues in education from both a student and teacher perspective.  This is part of our professional development efforts, and we hope everyone leaves with some new resources/ideas for continued professional development.

A group of OSU students, narrated by Education Double Degree student Anderson DuBoise III, posted a video on YouTube this week:

It’s a response to another YouTube video by UCLA students who called themselves the Black Bruins: In both cases, the students are Black men talking about enrollment and retention of Black men at the university.

How serious is our university about diversity?  How can we respond to the issues these men are addressing and experiencing?