Each year Oregon State University provides opportunities for our community to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by participating in impactful, inclusive, and engaging celebration.  This year the Office of Equity and Inclusion and the Office of the President are working with units across campus to offer more than 20 events from January 12th to 23rd.

For the full calendar of events, click here.

As part of this celebration, our SEJ group is organizing and hosting a ‘brown bag’ discussion:

Is This Kansas?

Wednesday, January 14

12-1 PM

303 Furman Hall

“Is This Kansas?” is an essay from Notes from No Man’s Land by Eula Biss. It focuses on the author’s time teaching at the University of Iowa. We invite you to participate in a discussion of the essay’s themes: pardoning students for behavior that wouldn’t be tolerated in any other subculture; university hierarchies of influence/power; White students’ failure to see racism or sexism in their community; media coverage of racially-charged events.

Copies of the book are available for loan in 104 Furman Hall. You may request a copy of just this essay by emailing stacey.lee@oregonstate.edu.

We also highly encourage you to participate in the MLK Jr. Day of Service on Saturday, January 17. Many of the service opportunities organized through OSU’s Center for Civic Engagement are family friendly.

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