Student applications are being solicited for two upcoming supportive immersion retreats to promote a campus dialogue about race and racism at OSU and beyond: Racial Aikido and Examining White Identity in a Multicultural World.  There will be information sessions for students to learn more about the retreats:

Tuesday, November 19th from noon to 1 in MU 213 or Wednesday, November 20th from 5 to 6pm in Milam 123

Racial Aikido Retreat
Racial Aikido seeks to empower Students of Color at predominantly White institutions (PWI) using the principles of aikido to recognize, respond, and replenish. Originally created at the University of Vermont, Racial Aikido acknowledges that People of Color may be ill prepared to deal with issues of race and racism as it affects them personally. Racial Aikido promotes tools for People of Color to maintain a positive self-image and be able to respond to overt and covert racism. By the conclusion of the retreat students will have a better understanding of White privilege, in-group and internalized oppression, identity development models, and be more self-aware of their multiple identities. Students will learn by active participation how to recognize racism, respond to racism in a self-affirming and positive manner that is appropriate for the situation, and replenish by taking care of their needs in order to maintain a healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual self. This year’s retreat will be the weekend of January 11-12, 2014 at the Silver Falls conference Center near Silver Falls, OR.

Examing White Identity in a Multicultural World Retreat
The Examining White Identity (EWI) retreat is designed to examine identity development in general and White identity specifically. EWI will help students examine White privilege and oppression in both personal and institutional contexts, and introduce strategies to dismantle oppressive systems. We will look at the ways that understanding these issues will help us address White privilege and oppression in ourselves and with other White people, and become better allies with People of Color.  This year’s retreat will be the weekend of January 11-12, 2014 at the B’nai B’rith Camp near Lincoln City, OR.

To learn more about the retreats or to apply for a retreat please go to

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