Javier Cervantes from Linn-Benton Community College alerted us to this opportunity.  Please share as appropriate.

“College Begins at Home” – Regional Parent Conference on October 5th

We’re proud to be hosting the first ever regional conference for parents of Spanish-speaking English Language Learners in partnership with Chemeketa Community College, Salem OR, on Saturday, October 5, 2013. This event is FREE.

Spanish-speaking parents, especially those whose children are struggling academically, need extra support to become meaningfully involved in the educational process. To make it all happen, we all need to hold each other accountable: students, parents, teachers and community. This free conference will offer skills and support for Oregon parents who want to help their children become college-ready.

Workshops will include:
Communicating with schools
How to track your child’s progress
Understanding the challenges facing Latino children at school
Separate sessions will focus on parents of children in different school settings: Pre-K to 3rd grade, 4th through 7th grade, and 8th through high school. Meals will be provided to registered participants.

Information, registration, and sponsorships:

Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality
3850 Portland Rd NE #214
Salem, Oregon 97301


Eduardo Angulo eangulo@skcequality.org

Annalivia Palazzo annalivia.palazzo@gmail.com.

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