Planning an Annual Webinar with OCOIN

I am one of the three selected interns to work for the Oregon Coastal Ocean Information Network (OCOIN) this summer. I am very excited to get some experience managing large project and its moving parts. OCOIN hosts an annual meeting to bring together partner agenicies, researchers and decision makers. My main tasks this summer will be to assist the OCOIN planning committee in completing and managing tasks related to planning an online conference.

I hope to be a very vital team player this summer. Planning the annual meeting takes a considerable amount of time and collaboration and I hope to help by taking on some of the tasks that committee members would usually have completed.

I think providing the most successful annual meeting possible is one of the best ways to achieve OCOIN’s and the Oregon Sea Grant’s vision and mission statements. OCOIN was created to bring scientists, decision makers, and partners together for the objective of effective coastal management and conservation which compliments the goals of the Oregon Sea Grant very nicely!

2 thoughts on “Planning an Annual Webinar with OCOIN

  1. Angela, I couldn’t imagine a better fit for you this summer than working with OCOIN, they needed someone with your networking skills! I would jump on this opportunity to connect with researchers in your future career track. Between the OCOIN steering committee members they probably know of every ocean researcher in the state. Have fun!

  2. I’m glad that you are on board with this project to get it started, and hope that you are able to stay connected when you begin your graduate work! Looking forward to reading more about your daily activities.

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