A future in Science Policy

Learning about science policy is one of the main reasons I applied to the Oregon Sea Grant Summer Scholars program. I am so happy that I was selected to work with the Oregon Coastal and Oceanic Information Network (OCOIN) because bringing science to policy makers and natural resource managers is what they do!

The OCOIN network is a series of partnerships and just to name a few, they work with Portland State, Oregon State, Oregon Coastal Management Program and a new partnership this summer with the PNW Consortium on Plastics. The network also has a large variety of politicians, natural resource managers and researchers.

Working with OCOIN has taught me two very important things. The first is that policy makers actually use published science to help inform policy and second, there isn’t enough (especially oceanic) research published and/or distributed to policy makers. OCOIN tries to make the research as accessible as possible to decision makers and other researchers. 

I have had the opportunity to attend agency meetings with the Institute of Natural Resources (INR), the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) Ocean Management Program (OMP) and the Oregon Marine Reserves (ODFW). One of my main goals this summer was to learn about as many different careers in natural resource management as possible and with at least 8-10 people in agency meeting all specializing in different work, I think I achieved my goal!

4 thoughts on “A future in Science Policy

  1. Angela I am so happy to hear that you’ve had access to so many interesting meetings, and that you’ve gotten to meet so many people in this field! I hope that you’ll be able to utilize these connections in grad school and beyond, and that your inside scoop on what information is needed will help to guide your school work. I think you couldn’t have found a better host than OCOIN to gather all this information from.

  2. Hi Jenny. I completely agree with you that this experience is the right place at the right time. Thank you so much for your support!

  3. It is so important for policy makers to have access to relevant research! It is awesome that you have been able to play a role in this and make connections with professionals in a variety of areas.

  4. I agree that more oceanic research needs to be made available to policy makers to help inform their decision making. It sounds like you obtained a lot of valuable experience in that process while working with OCOIN!

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