All invited to this month’s brown-bag:

Science and Story

Tuesday, November 18

12 noon – 1pm

LPSC Seminar room 402

From Science Pubs to TED Talks, from The Moth Radio Hour to actor Alan Alda’s improve-based Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University, story-telling is becoming an increasingly important tool for communicating the challenges and results of science to the public, the media and others outside our own disciplines.

Join us this month to talk about story:
  • Why it matters
  • How you can use it in your work
  • How to develop your own stories that go beyond the facts and data and convey the meaning, importance and excitement of science.


Kevin Ahern, Professor of Biochemistry/Biophysics and director of Undergraduate Research at OSU, as well as a veteran science writer and editor, who incorporates story, song and even limericks into his teaching and communication. (Check out his YouTube channel)

Pat Kight, Oregon Sea Grant science communicator, former journalist and sometimes theatrical director, will add examples of how scientists across the country – especially younger ones – are turning to story, improvisation, social media and other unconventional techniques to not only inform the public about their work – but even fund it.


Click image for more information about projects at OSU
A Roadmap for Creating Interactive Atlases for iBooks
Tuesday, Oct. 21

12 noon – 1pm

LPSC Seminar room 402

As the popularity of tablet computers and e-books increases, cartographers work to find new ways to combine the look and feel of a traditional paper book with the touch-screen features of a tablet computer.
We will discuss the potential and limitations for building and designing an interactive atlas in e-book format to take full advantage of tablet computers such as the iPad. We will explain the steps in building an interactive e-book atlas for iBooks including technical details and design considerations.
The Atlas of the Columbia River Basin and the international award-winning Atlas of Infectious Diseases, two e-book atlases published by undergraduate and graduate students at OSU, will be featured.
Following the presentation will be a panel discussion on the broader implications of using iBooks for research dissemination.
Brooke Marston  
Graduate Research Assistant, and member of the Cartography and Geovisualization Group.
Jane Darbyshire
M.S. in Geography under Dr. Bernhard Jenny

Join us for the next brown-bag. The focus is on writing and sharing about your research in a way that resonates with your audience.

Tuesday, May 20th

12 noon – 1pm

LPSC Seminar room 402


Thuy Tran, Director of Marketing Communications, College of Engineering

Nick Houtman, Assistant Director, Research Communications

When researchers and communicators describe scientific concepts to decision-makers, peers, students and the interested public, language matters.  Come listen and contribute ideas on how to write clear and compelling stories without oversimplifying scientific principles.

Editors also play a critical role in defining standards of their publications to meet the readers’ expectation. Explore examples of print publications that cover technical topics.

 microphone Inspiration Dissemination5

 Inspiration Dissemination is a radio program on Oregon State University’s station, KBVR that invites graduate students to share their stories and discuss their research projects live over the radio. Co-host of the program, Joey Hulbert will introduce the objectives and explain what happens “behind the scenes” of Inspiration Dissemination.

Tuesday, April 15

12 noon – 1pm

LPSC Seminar room 402

Presenter: Joey Hulbert

During this brown bag lunch discussion, Joey will share a short podcast compilation featuring graduate students from College of Agriculture and explain the process of creating a podcast episode. He will also discuss the value of social media and explain the typical format of each interview.

Joey encourages anyone interested in science communication to attend this discussion. He invites us to provide feedback to improve how the program can help the guests become better science communicators. For more information about the program, visit:

Joey Hulbert