New Finding Aids: July – September 2023

SCARC completed 2 new finding aids July – September 2023 and updated 2 finding aids; as of the end of September, SCARC has 1138 finding aids in Archives West.

These finding aids are available through the Archives West finding aids database, website, and the OSU Library discovery system a.k.a. “the catalog.” The links below are to the guides in Archon, SCARC’s finding aids website.

New collection guides created this quarter:

James R. Sedell Papers, 1819-2011

This collection consists of materials collected and generated by Dr. James R. Sedell. Sedell was a researcher at Oregon State University, focusing on stream ecosystem research in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, who also held positions at Weyerhaeuser Co., the US Forest Service Pacific Northwest and Southwest Research Stations, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. This collection primarily consists of project materials and reference materials, and also includes over 100 of his publications and manuscripts, conference materials, as well as his research from Mount Saint Helens after its 1980 eruption. National Science Foundation Proposals and project justifications are restricted due to the presence of confidential information. All requests to access these materials should be directed to the University Archivist.

Marion F. Bolton Papers, 1950-1984

The Marion Bolton Papers document Bolton’s career at Kerr-McGee, an American energy company active in uranium mining in the American Southwest during the middle of the 20th century. Materials primarily relate to Bolton’s service as general manager at Kerr McGee’s Shiprock site, as well as the lawsuits brought against the company by the Navajo Nation seeking damages and compensation for the endangerment of Navajo mine workers and the destruction of Navajo land. Due to the presence of medical information within these lawsuits, these files are restricted. All requests for access to this material should be directed to the University Archivist.

Finding aids that were updated / expanded and re-uploaded to ArchivesWest:

Colegio César Chávez Collection, 1965-1982

The Colegio César Chávez was established in 1973 as a four year Chicano serving institution in Mount Angel, Oregon. The Colegio César Chávez Collection consists of correspondence, publications, and photographs from the Arthur and Karen Olivo and Andrew Parodi Family and depicts their time living on the college campus grounds. The majority of the items from this collection have been digitized and are available upon request. Additionally, there is a July 2012 oral history interview with Andrew Parodi and Karen Olivo regarding their experiences living at the Colegio.

Asian & Pacific Cultural Center Records, 1983-2016

The Asian & Pacific Cultural Center (APCC) Records document programs and events sponsored by the Center; students and staff active in the Center; and other student organizations associated with the Center. The Center was established at Oregon State University in 1991 to educate the campus and local community about Asian and Pacific Islander cultures as well as the Asian Pacific American (APA) experience.

And a BONUS from earlier this summer!

The Food and Farming History LibGuide is now public!

The work of farmers and scientists, consumers and producers, writers and historians come together in the Special Collections and Archives Research Center.  The guide highlights archival and manuscript collections at SCARC, library books or journals in both our rare books collections and the main stacks, and offers links to our online collections and other resources.  It also offers tips for keywords and search strategies for each section, as well as information about how the content in specific archival collections will meet your needs.

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