Daily Archives: September 14, 2023

Colegio César Chávez Exhibit

Colegio Exhibit: 50th-anniversary artwork, bookmarks, and pins

The SCARC 2023-2024 exhibit is Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo!

The OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center’s Oregon Multicultural Archives (OMA) served as a project partner and event planning committee member for the Colegio César Chávez 50th Anniversary Celebration which took place on August 26, 2023.

For more information about the event, see the blog post: Colegio César Chávez 50th Anniversary Celebration

The exhibition curated for the event is now available to the public!

  • When: The 2023-2024 academic year (September 2023 – summer 2024)
  • Where: The Valley Library 5th Floor SCARC Exhibit Cases (open during SCARC’s open hours: 10am-4pm M-F) and the SCARC 5th Floor Alcove Exhibit Space, across the hallway from the reading room (open whenever the library is open)
  • What: The exhibit in the cases showcases the Colegio’s history and the exhibit in the alcove showcases a Chicano history timeline and artwork from a 1979 Colegio calendar

Digital Copies of the Exhibit Panels are Available via Oregon Digital

Photos of the Exhibit!

Colegio History Exhibit, Part 1 in the 5th Floor Exhibit Cases
Colegio History Exhibit, Part 2 in the 5th Floor Exhibit Cases
Colegio Calendar Timeline Exhibit, in the 5th Floor Exhibit Alcove
Colegio Calendar Timeline Exhibit, in the 5th Floor Exhibit Alcove
Colegio Calendar Timeline Exhibit, in the 5th Floor Exhibit Alcove: Intro and Calendar Dates Panels
Colegio Calendar Timeline Exhibit, in the 5th Floor Exhibit Alcove: January-June Artwork and January-March Timeline


PODER’s Hispanic Heritage Month Breakfast & Latino Leadership Summit

On Friday, September 15, 2023, the Colegio exhibit was featured as part of the Latino Leadership Summit in Salem, OR. Members of the Colegio were recognized and honored as part of the morning program. Dozens of the attendees had the opportunity to view the exhibit and learn about this important part of Oregon’s history!

Program for PODER’s Hispanic Heritage Month Breakfast & Latino Leadership Summit
Members of the Colegio were recognized and honored as part of the morning program.
Colegio bookmarks and pins (all gone by the end of the event!)
The Colegio exhibit in the Salem Convention Center
The Colegio exhibit in the Salem Convention Center
The Colegio exhibit in the Salem Convention Center