Hello from inside the library!

Hi Everyone-

It’s possible that you don’t know me by my username, but I’m the one who started this blog a really long time ago…

We’re in a tough time right now. Beyond the tragedy and struggle outside our walls, for those of us here in the OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center work and our interactions with all of our terrific users has fundamentally changed. Library staff are SO busy maintaining the building, getting us equipment so we can work remotely, and making sure ALL the people in the OSU community can access our digital and physical materials. While many of the SCARC staff are working “behind the scenes” from their homes doing descriptive work and creating research guides for our or collections, providing metadata for films and video, and offering opportunities for our researchers and students to engage with us in virtual office hours, others are also catching up on reading and taking a break. We are all making it work in our own ways, thinking about how much we look forward to seeing you all again.

Much of my work over the past several years has focused on brewing history in Oregon, but this term I’m also stepping up (and back into) my role as lead for our instruction program. Today I went into the library to scan some materials to do remote teaching for an English 200 class, but I also picked up the mail and some equipment to make my recordings a bit better. I thought I’d share some of my pictures with you to see what things look like on the inside of the library.

Thank you all for your patience. We are living through extraordinary times.


I’ll be ready to podcast by the time we’re back in the building!
Opening mail! 😍
Running shoes are optional for lake expeditions.
This donation is a gem! We’ll be back soon to get it in proper housing and let you know more about it.
We got a rule book in the mail too!
My coworkers are looking for a good background for virtual reference. Zoom in and you’ll see a unicorn next to the disinfecting wipes!
This is where I spent most of my time. The Library staff scanning course reserves and remote requests have been swamped, so they put our BookEye out in the alcoves to scan during the week.
Scanning letters from the Civil War… We will get through this trying time too.

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