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It’s All Downhill From Here

  November 5th, 2021

I actually mean that in a good way. Getting to this point has been assembling a foundation of solid code to save the hassle of fix literally a dozen places any time I need to change a single line of code. Now I’m finally there.

Early on I had made a custom NPM module and called it ‘CSSA-URL-Completer’. No points for guessing what it does. Now it’s grown and changed into ‘CSSA-Core’. Pretty obviously, it has the core code I expect to reuse time and again. URL-Completer got knocked over into being an exported class within core and anything that ends up being in more than one repository eventually ends up here instead. I still haven’t gotten a Private Access Token to work correctly with letting GitHub Actions access it for automated testing (or even tried with Heroku) but time’s arrow marches ever onward.

You are Here

What feels like twenty major refactors later, the Gateway and User services are something resembling complete and stable. With those set, I was able to move on and slam out routes and logic for two more services: Store and Review. This really only leaves the Shopping List and Item services for trivial services that just need to be fleshed out.

  • Reputation will need to be a bit cute with its logic as it will being going two-way with User
  • Price will need to account for sales
  • Tag is just going to be a cluster of filtering and spaghetti logic
  • Live Feed will require learning about streams and will probably involve buffers as well
  • Shopping Comparison is the big kahuna
  • Database is Keenon’s problem

So, yeah. We have two weeks left to finish the code and I have a small fraction of it done but I feel that I’m sitting fairly pretty. There’s two more trivial services, three that need to be thought through but don’t need any extra technologies, one that needs research but is relatively simple, and then the comparison. I can probably (hopefully) knock out everything but the comparison in a week and spend my remaining time banging my head against that probably NP problem.

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