Category: Uncategorized

  • S4:E8 the last hurrah

    When I was a Freshman at Oregon State University, there was only one thing on my mind when I first started college: when does it end? I’ve been looking forward to the day I graduated for a long time because of all of the late nights and long hours of work that I have endured…

  • S4:E7 | march is here!

    The project is coming along very nicely! We are working on the development of it still because of some kinks and quirks that were needed to be refined in order to start development. We are in the process of migrating Google GCP Bucket data onto our Google Maps API integration through automation. This is probably…

  • S4:E6 | spring is coming, and i don’t like it

    My most favorite thing in Spring is looking forward to it being over. The allergies are gruesome, and the weather is too hot. But to be honest, Spring is much better than Summer. At least I can play tennis and not have to sweat the moment I touch the court. One thing I can appreciate…

  • S4|E5 these prompts aren’t that fun anymore

    One of the most important things that was highly emphasized in the earlier years of school, was that we had to keep our code clean. Although this was taught in later stages of my freshman year, I could remember coding my first Python assignment. There was more than 1000 lines, and it looked like a…

  • S4:E4 | minor setbacks

    The team’s doing great. We have good communication but we somehow always work last minute. I feel like that can be fixed. The weekly meetings are great with Jim Cupples and I really enjoy what he really has to say Days are getting colder and I love it. I don’t like the rain though. I’ve…

  • S4:E3 | winter waiting

    I’m excited to finally be starting my senior project. As far as my team goes, I believe we can do something unique with what we have and the tools we use along the way. It’s currently week 4, (I think). To be honest, I’ve lost track of my time throughout all of this. I just…

  • S4:E2 | not enough time in one day

    There’s just not enough time in a day. . There’s supposedly 24 hours in a day. About 8 of those hours goes to my sleep. Another couple of hours for leisure. Another 12 hours through a combination of work and school. It’s Q4, or Quarter 4, in terms of business. Holidays are coming, days are…

  • S4:E1 | pilot

    It’s surreal to think that I am a senior this year. . To kick off this season’s extravaganza, I would like to formally introduce myself as the main character of this saga. My name is Samuel Tran, but you can call me Sam for short. I reside in Portland, Oregon, and have been moving back…

  • coming soon