Senior Capstone Update #2

In my last update I talked about the dependency issues my team was having when we tried to run the codebase created last year by students. Since then, we have made very exciting progress getting this code to run. We have been trying all term to get it to run, so it’s a huge relief that it is now working.

We decided to start a new codebase and add the existing code in bit by bit. The team from last year had most of the code separated in four files. We started by trying to add the first file, which loads the map on the main page. I copy and pasted all of the code, then ran it. I would get an error about a dependency not being installed. Then, I would install the dependency and re-run the code. I kept doing this process until everything needed for the code to run was installed. I had to create a Google Maps API key in order for the API calls to work correctly. I also had to handle an error related to the search bar not being there yet. I had to temporally add a line of code to make the map render until the search bar works. I was also able to add the file that makes the search bar work. I did this the same way I added the map code and added the dependencies one by one.

Currently, the homepage is displayed and all features on it work. These features include all of the farms having a pinpoint on the map, the user can click on the pinpoint to view a pop-up about the map, and the user can search for things like crops and farms. My teammate is going to get the individual farm page to render by Wednesday, which is when V0.0.2 is due. For V0.0.2, all of the previous team’s code will be rendered, which puts us in excellent shape to begin expanding and adding new features. My teammate and I are so glad that this approach to solving the problem worked and has gone smoothly so far.

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