Bettering Myself

Before the pandemic started, I wasn’t really in the best place mentally or physically. I was struggling with where I was at in life (in general) and I had gained a considerable amount of weight over the years, which isn’t great. And then the pandemic started, which made both even worse.

For a long time, I’ve known that I wanted to make a change, and I would try, but I would either half-ass it (clearly not ideal) or I would come up with an excuse on why I would start making changes in my life later. Eventually, enrolling in Oregon State University and working towards a career that I’m interested in did help with my mental health a bit, but there were still issues there and with my weight.

One day at the beginning of this summer, I just woke up and decided it was time. No excuses. Not half-assing it. If I wanted to make a change in my life, it was going to be now. And from that moment, I made drastic changes in my life and I haven’t looked back. I switched to intermittent fasting, I changed my diet to include healthier options, cut out fast food completely, only drink water, and I set a goal for myself – I would run a 5K by the end of September (which I completed!).

I dropped nearly 50 pounds, I run consistently (3x a week), I am much more comfortable in my own body. And those are just the physical benefits – my mental health has dramatically improved as well. I’m just in a way better place now. I haven’t stopped there since then. I’ve set new goals for myself, and I intend to achieve every single one.

Since that day in the summer, my life has changed drastically, for the better. I urge anyone that is reading this who felt even remotely like I did, take care of yourself, treat your mind and your body right, and you will see results. It definitely wasn’t easy but it was so worth it.

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