Job Search

As I near the end of my time at OSU, I have begun my search for a job in the field. I have heard back from a decent number of places, but nothing crazy, and unfortunately, I haven’t received any offers yet. I’ve only been searching for a short while, though, so I wont let that discourage me. Instead, I look at it as good practice for my future applications.

I have completed the code challenges that have been sent to me, and I’ve done well on a few, I believe, but I definitely need to do better. I want to get an offer as soon as possible, of course, so I’m going to talk a little bit about what I’m going to do to improve my self and my resume for future applications.

First thing is I want to spend more time completing LeetCode problems, or problems from a similar website. At the moment, I do not pay for their premium plan, but I may look into that as an option as well and see if it benefits me in any way. In addition to that, I was holding off on adding my project for this class to my resume, but I may add it now since I am more familiar with the project and we have gotten a good amount of it done so far. I feel like this project will help boost my resume a bit, leading to more code challenges/interviews. And the final thing I will do is prepare for all interviews I get. Research good answers, research common questions that are asked, anything that will lead to doing better in the interview process.

Those are pretty obvious things to work on, but I feel like it can be forgotten about, especially when working a job and taking classes at the same time. I will make a conscious effort to focus on the things I outlined above and hopefully it helps me land my first job in the field!

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