
Eighth Blog Post

This week saw the creation of a timeline that helped our client understand how we will be continuing forward on our project. Creation the timeline was particuarely difficult as it was difficult to project what how well we will be doing on early parts of the project. Along with this, it’s hard to see what needs to be worked on later on. Some issues can crop up that are n’t even considered during the process of the project. Sometimes small functionality issues can cause hard stops in the programming process. So the timeline was very specific early on in the develop process but as the timeline continues, it becomes very vague.

I also worked on an idea for my sections of the team project, which is preproccessing. The idea comes from the general architecture of cross correlation. My sections of the project pertains to detecting when a hand is making a new sign, so that the main neural network doesn’t need to constantly be parsing data. Cross correlation is involved in the fundamentals of a convolutional neural network. In our case it can be used in detecting the difference in two images by simply finding the difference in each pixel and attributing it to a distinct value. Then if we keep track of the difference between this value and the previous threshold, we will know when the movements transfer between a still hand and one that’s moving. I don’t know whether this will actually work or not, but it’s worth it to just test out.

Finally, our team has begun really starting our project. A lot of different aspects of the project, like the video recognition and preprocessing have been discussed thoroughly. This means that we are finally starting to proceed forward and get a feel for the cod base on our project.

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