Mobile Invention Camps Challenge The Dalles’ Youth

Precollege Program’s “Mobile Invention Camps” Challenge The Dalles’ Youth

The Dalles had their first invention camp hosted by OSU. The camps are designed to challenge students to overcome obstacles and become better at critical thinking. The camps also offer a hands-on STEM experience to rural communities throughout Oregon. A lot of the activities done at these camps (duct tape wallets, solar powered cars, and chemical powered cars) are designed with failure in mind to help students better adjust to failure and find new pathways to success.

Another focus of these camps is to let OSU students interact with K-12 students and help them get an idea about what sort of options they have when approaching higher education. For a lot of K-12 students the camps are their first experience interacting with University representatives and it’s important that these interactions clear the air of any misconceptions the students may have about college.

Read the full story from The Dalles Chronicle

Author: Grey

Student worker at the Office of Precollege Programs. Speech Communication major at OSU.

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