Category: Uncategorized

  • SPRINT 3

    As we are wrapping up sprint 3, our team feels pretty good about our progress. In the previous sprint, we completed a basic version of our website. So, this sprint was about focusing on two main tasks, continue to make progress on the UI and optimizing the parameters for our algorithms. As we continue to…

  • SPRINT 2

    In this post, I will share more about our end product and how we are working together as a team. As we continued to work on the project, we began to have a better idea of how to split up the work and a better idea of what we want our website to look like.…

  • SPRINT 1

    Our project is Algorithmic Stock Market Trading Strategies for Individual Investors. Our objective is to build an app to help investors make sound investment decisions. I’m not at all familiar with trading but I’ve been wanting to learn more about it so this project came at the perfect time. We are currently in the first…

  • Week 1

    Welcome to my blog! I initially wanted to write about my capstone project but since the projects have not been assigned yet, I will use this first post to share a little bit about my CS journey so far. My career started when I became an accountant at a CPA firm back in 2014. I…