
We’re back online!

Brothers Anna Brecheisen (left) and Emma Redwine-Rixon (right) holding our 100% Achievement Award.

It’s been awhile since the PDC blog has been updated, however PDC has been very productive this year! Four of our brothers were able to make it to LDS in the summer, all the way in St. Louis, Missouri where they were able to connect with brothers from all over the United States to further establish their knowledge of this fraternity and strengthen bonds between members. There, our chapter received a plaque for earning a 100% of the Achievement Award.

The P1’s are finally getting accustomed to what pharmacy school is like since we’re already four weeks into the term, while P2’s are grinding through their last year on the Oregon State Campus before heading up to Portland. P3’s and Ps’2 met up for a social in Portland and the P4’s are getting closer and closer to receiving their Pharm. D after all this time.

This year for recruitment, we had four rush days. There was game night, unfortunately cut short due to a fire alarm going off.  We also had ultimate Frisbee, spaghetti feed, and bowling. A total of 28 bids were sent out, exceeding our goal! New recruits have already had their first pledge class and are one step closer to becoming full fledged brothers.


Founder’s Day is approaching, which brings together alumni and current students to celebrate the day PDC was founded. This is occurring on November 2nd at Murphy’s Restaurant and Lounge instead of our usual spot, King Tin which has closed. P3’s and P4’s have organized a brunch closer to Portland on November 7th at Watson Hall. An alumni tailgate is schedule for the football game on the 29th – OSU vs University of Utah. Our chapter tailgate is scheduled for the 19th.

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