Tag: workshop
Empower your teaching: Winter ’25 professional development events
Teaching faculty, mark your calendars! Engage with colleagues in these events brought to you by the Center for Teaching and Learning. Check CTL Workshops & Events, Academic Technology Events, and Ecampus Online Teaching Workshops and Events for the latest updates and details about teaching-related professional development opportunities. Also see upcoming AI events and past recordings.…
Hands-On Exploration of AI Tools: A Starter Session for Educators
Want to learn how to use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools that are being applied to teaching and learning? Want to explore the potentials of AI in your teaching or other work at OSU? Then join us for a fun, interactive workshop where you will experience AI firsthand on your own laptop. We’ll try…
Introduce Yourself to AI in Teaching and Learning
Want to learn more about the basics of AI tools and implications for teaching and learning? Benefits? Drawbacks? Practical strategies you can take? Join us for either of two upcoming one-hour Zoom sessions that will feature short demos, presentations on considerations for your courses, and an opportunity to connect with colleagues in breakouts to discuss…
Teaching with Media: Liven up Your Lecture Videos
Creating and using instructional media well can be a major asset in your teaching. Discover new ways to create more interactive and engaging lecture videos as you blend classroom and Canvas learning activities in your Corvallis and Cascades campus courses. The Faculty Media Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning invite all OSU faculty…
Sign up for an Intro to Media for Teaching Workshop
Did you know that OSU has an audio/video production facility to support teaching on campus? It’s called the Faculty Media Center, located in Kidder 100. In this workshop, you’ll learn all about the FMC studios and how to create engaging and immersive media using OSU-supported software. The Center for Teaching and Learning and FMC invite…
Sign up for an Engaging Learners with Instructional Media Workshop
Explore how instructional media can enhance student learning in all teaching modalities. Discover ways to make your lecture videos more engaging and effective with in-video quizzing. The Faculty Media Center and CTL invite all OSU teaching faculty and GTAs to attend an interactive one-hour workshop. When: Either Wednesday, Apr. 28 at 2 p.m. or Thursday,…
Tuesday Teaching + Tech Talks
Tuesday Teaching +Tech Talks (T4): Join CTL for this Spring’s T4 workshop series! T4 is a certificated program introducing a wide range of pedagogical techniques and educational technology. T4 is open to all! Live Zoom sessions every Tuesday, 10-11:50. Registration is not necessary. See the T4 website for the Zoom link, recordings, and more. First session: March 30.
Learn to Blend Your Teaching with Instructional Media
Are you starting to think ahead to Spring term? Would you like to augment your strategies to engage learners? Discover ways to create instructional media and to apply effective practices for blended, remote, flipped and hybrid course design and teaching. In these hour-long workshops, CTL and Academic Technology invite you to learn about harnessing the…
Register Now: Blending Your Teaching with Instructional Media Workshop
Wondering how to make your remote or blended classes more engaging? Always wanted to create more media to enliven your classes? Join the Center for Teaching and Learning and Academic Technology for an intensive hour-long session that will empower you to develop media that supports your teaching and to blend your synchronous sessions and asynchronous…
Sign up for Course Design and Teaching Workshops!
These workshops are a great way to prepare for the challenges of teaching in Fall ‘20. The workshops will include both asynchronous activities and a 90-minute synchronous Zoom session. Workshops are open to all OSU faculty and GTAs. Register now! Workshop details, including Zoom login information, will be emailed to you. Additionally, most colleges…