Tag: pandemic

  • Student Reflections Inform Teaching

    This week I have learned a few things: 1. I now completely understand why so many people drop out of college.2. Insulin is as cheap as water. (I’m being sarcastic.)3. My boyfriend gives the best hugs.4. I can’t wait to become a teacher and help mold little brains.5. Weighted blankets and lots of ice cream…

  • Requests for Extensions Getting You Down? Some Solutions.

    It is near the end of Week Seven here at Oregon State University. It is about the time faculty will be getting a lot of requests from students. Requests for more time for a paper, for a quiz, or for an exam. Requests for recording lectures, copies of notes, or zoom links. Most faculty want…

  • Looking to Fall 2021!! Onwards to Better

    Dear OSU faculty and staff, We have missed you. With the arrival of the 2021 academic year a few weeks away, we are looking forward to seeing you our colleagues, and students, again. The excitement of starting is tempered somewhat by the uncertainty of the pandemic but OSU has safeguards in place, policy to guide…

  • RAP ON: Please, Laugh at Me: Letting down our guards to draw students in during difficult times

    About the Author: Arianna Stone is a graduate student in the applied cognition area of the School of Psychological Science at Oregon State University. This is part of our series of Research Advancing Pedagogy (RAP) blogs, designed to share  pedagogical research from across the disciplines in a pragmatic format.  Turning the calendar over to March 2021 provides a…

  • Pandemic Teaching: Getting CCOMFE for the long ride ahead

    A bike ride can be a very pleasurable experience if you are well prepared for the weather and terrain. I remember a time when I set out on a gloriously sunny day. All of a sudden, a squall blew in and rain pelted down. I could still get to my destination, but it was not…

  • Handling Triple Duty: Parenting, Working, and Teaching in the Era of Coronavirus

    Many parents are feeling overwhelmed over the triple duty of being a parent, working remotely, and teaching their children at home during the Coronavirus shut-in. In an episode of NPR: All Things Considered a mother explained that the first 4 weeks seemed bearable taken day-by-day with a strict schedule of work and academics in the morning…

  • Pandemic Teaching Is Challenging and Difficult But Still Merits Reflection

    I am not the same teacher I was six weeks ago. Oh, I still care very much about my students. It is still very important to me that they are learning, that I help bring the content to life and make the material engaging and applicable. I want them to feel connected to me, their…

  • Pandemic Pedagogy: Will Emergency Remote Teaching Improve Education?

    In a recent New York Times piece, David Deming  addressed the seismic changes to higher education brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. While aiming to allay fears of both face to face teachers who may see their jobs threatened by online instruction, and learners who may see this as the future of education, there is…

  • Pedagogy for the Pandemic: Daily 1-on-1 Consultations Available at CTL

    We have made it to the end of the second week of Spring Term 2020. For all of us, this is a term like no other. After rising to the challenge of pushing finals online (now a distant memory), OSU faculty and staff rallied to keep going under drastically different situations.  OSU students are now learning…

  • A Memo to Students on Punching through the Pandemic

    Dear Students, Confused by remote learning? Uncertain? Anxious? Worried? Stressed? Unclear what next week will bring? For many of us faculty, the answer to all these is yes. I am guessing that many of you are experiencing this as well. We are all in this together. Your faculty and schools have your back. Here are…