Tag: inclusive teaching

  • Inclusive Teaching: Structure and Mindset

    By Sarah Pearce, doctoral student, College of Health Editor’s note: This post is based on an Ecampus GRAD 516 Graduate Teaching Seminar assignment in which CTL’s Dr. Funmi Amobi asked students to address principles from Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom (2022) by Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy. Students were tasked…

  • Sparked by a Sparkshop: Rethinking Think-Pair-Share

    By Kara Clevinger Think-Pair-Share is an inclusive learning strategy that has evolved quite a bit since Frank Lyman first introduced it in 1981. Lyman’s approach was originally presented as Listen-Think-Pair-Share: students listen to a question posed by the instructor, take some time to think about it, pair up with a peer to discuss their answers,…

  • Syllabus Insights from First-Generation Students

    Many instructors want their syllabi to help create inclusive learning environments, but in practice it is hard to anticipate how our students will interpret our language, especially because what they consider to be incomprehensible academic jargon is largely dictated by their previous educational experiences. When tackling this challenge, many institutions offer a university glossary of…

  • JOIN CTL’s “Read, Reflect, Reform” Spring Book Club

    Join the Center for Teaching and Learning’s “Are You IN(clusive)? READ, REFLECT, REFORM” Spring Book Club. The Read, Reflect, Reform book clubs use a blended format with 2 synchronous meetings (times set by the group, in person or remote) and asynchronous activities. Activities commence Spring Term 2023. You will receive free – Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom…

  • Radical Empathy: 5 Ways to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive

    By Katie Hubler, Ph.D., CTL Special Projects Fellow. Katie’s area of expertise is radical empathy in teaching; well-balanced teaching; course and assignment redesign; and education in the Anthropocene. What is radical empathy? “Radical Empathy” (RE) is a model of holistic, inclusive teaching that can help instructors foster a welcoming and equitable university classroom. It utilizes…

  • Building a robust framework for supporting QTI+ students at OSU

    About the author. Jessica Lodwick is an instructor of Botany and Plant Pathology and Integrative Biology at Oregon State University. ​​Her teaching interests are grounded in the ecology and the evolutionary basis of life on earth. Jessica has previously taught courses on animal behavior and scientific writing, with a focus on fundamental ecological principles and…

  • Creating Equitable & Culturally Inclusive Environments

    by: Lauren Alva, Instructor (ESL) Tuesday Teaching + Tech Talks: Week 2 – Creating Equitable & Culturally Inclusive Environments by Jane Waite – Creating Space for Everyone: Equitable Teaching and Learning Environments. Imagine a group of students standing at the top of a sand dune. They’re lined up side by side, some with their arms…