Tag: first-gen students

  • Syllabus Insights from First-Generation Students

    Many instructors want their syllabi to help create inclusive learning environments, but in practice it is hard to anticipate how our students will interpret our language, especially because what they consider to be incomprehensible academic jargon is largely dictated by their previous educational experiences. When tackling this challenge, many institutions offer a university glossary of…

  • Introducing the Career Champions Program

    by Brenna Gomez, University Innovation Alliance Fellow, Office of Undergraduate Education. The Career Champions Program is a professional development opportunity for faculty and instructors to learn about barriers to access for first generation students, students of color, and low-income students, while also incorporating more career connection in the classroom. Our curriculum was developed collaboratively with a…

  • First Generation Academics Reflect

    Below you will find an anonymous reflection by a first generation academic: neither of her parents graduated from college with a four year degree and she not only earned her BA, but went on to earn a MEd and finally a PhD.  She is one of many university faculty who are attending the OSU Center…