OSU athletic department revenues have doubled

Data from the US Department of Education indicate that total revenues of OSU’s athletic department have doubled since the expansion of Reser Stadium in 2005.  Athletic department revenues reported in fiscal year 2015 were a record $72.1 million.  This is up by about $12 million in just the last two years.   OSU trails conference leader Stanford ($109.7 million) and the Pac-12 average ($85.6 million) but has risen in the rankings within the conference.  OSU is ahead of Colorado ($67.9 million), Washington State University ($66.1 million) and Utah ($64.6 million).  Rival Oregon has revenues just above the conference average at $85.8 million.

While OSU’s athletic department has a number of long-term financial constraints, it is encouraging to know that revenues have doubled since the expansion of Reser Stadium capacity.  And even though the Pac-12 media contract has failed to deliver the target revenues, this contract has added significantly to this gain in revenue.

The expansion of Reser Stadium capacity in 2005 and further expansion in 2007 changed the trajectory of revenue production by OSU.  The Pac-12 media contract was signed in 2011 and increased revenues were observed starting in the 2012 fiscal year.

OSU athletic department revenues

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